Who we are
Together, we’re on a mission to make good health more affordable and accessible, to help millions around the world enjoy healthier lives. It’s a mission that bonds our people across nearly 60 countries and a rich, diverse variety of nationalities and backgrounds. Working here means working with the world’s leading manufacturer of generic medicines, and the proud producer of many of the products on the World Health Organization’s Essential Medicines List. Today, at least 200 million people around the world take one of our medicines every single day. An amazing number, but we’re always looking for new ways to continue making a difference, and new people to make a difference with.The opportunity
As a member of the Global EMSO leadership team, the EMSO API Supplier Relationship Manager will manage the relationship with TAPI Newco from TGO perspective (quality, service, cost, continuity) . The upcoming divestment necessitates to form a strong team which oversees the processes after the separation, which is targeted for Jan 1 2025. This role will play an instrumental role in building and leading this team, including Supply Chain, Quality and Procurement members.. The team should be formed October 1 2024. The team will liaise with other functions across Teva such as Finance, Portfolio and R&D, and with the Key Account Manager in TAPI NewCo. The joint task is to make sure the operational processes are mapped and roles and responsibilities are defined and the adherence to the rules of engagement as specified in the MSA are followed. As this will be a new mode of operation to both entities change management and stakeholder management with all relevant parties in TAPI NewCo and in Teva will be key. This will be a dynamic environment where managing operational issues and long term relationship management go hand in hand.
פורסם לפני יותר מחודשיים
פורסמה ברשת
מידת ההתאמה שלי לתפקיד
התאמתך לתפקיד מחושבת על פי כישורך (כפי שסיפרת לנו עליהם) מול דרישות המעסיק - אין בכך כדי להעיד על קבלתך לעבודה (זה יחליט המעסיק)
משרות חדשות במערכת שיכולות לעניין אותך

היבט אנושי בע"מ
עבודה מהבית
אזור השרוןאריאלהוד השרוןהרצליה / רמת השרוןחדרהחולון / בת יםיבנהלוד / רמלהמודיעיןמטה בנימיןמעלה אדומיםנתניהפתח תקווהראש העיןראשון לציוןרחובות / נס ציונה/ גדרהתל אביב
פורסם לפני יותר מחודשיים
לבית תוכנה גדול דרושיםמיישמי /ות מערכות Oracle EBS או Oracle ERP מודול הלוגיסטיהתפקיד כולל:השתלבות בפרויקטי יישום חדשים / קיימים אצל ...