כדי לראות תפקידים מתאימים עליך להוסיף כישורים בפרופיל האישי במערכת COB.
ההרשמה והשימוש חינם!
מעולה, רוצה להירשם
הנדסה|כימאי|מדעים מדוייקים|מהנדס חומרים|מהנדס כימיה|מהנדס פיזיקה
מגדל העמק
פורסם לפני יותר מחודשיים
פורסמה ברשת
Our company in Migdal Haemek is currently seeking applicants for Process Engineer, In this position the successful candidate will be planning assigned operations or executes functionally focused in -depth analyses to continuously ensure efficiency of services or to provide relevant data, information, and/or service.

What you will be doing:
To operate within the production area, developing, implementing and managing manufacturing methods, processes and sequence of operations.
To define process requirements, working procedures, and providing equipment recommendations for product lines.
To execute Process-FMEA analyses, identifying possible sources of failures and taking measure to eliminate operations risks.
To define the process control methodologies and managing statistical process control systems to analyze out-of-control situations.
To liaise with Quality Assurance in responding to customer inquiries, and with Design Engineers to coordinate the launch of new products.
To monitor functional-specific trends and derive recommendation for their (incremental) improvements.
To execute focused research, create informative reports to support change or adaption for processes and infrastructure systems.
To contributes to projects or processes to improve functional efficiency and effectiveness.
To take over accomplishment of dedicated (local or function specific) workstream, as part of an as part of an overarching infrastructure project.

Bachelor's degree in materials engineering / physics / chemistry mandatory.
Experience in an industrial plant in general and on a production floor in particular – a significant advantage.
High level English – reading, writing and speaking.
Good expression ability in writing and on paper.
Willingness for overtime.
High analytical ability – planning and analyzing data, conducting experiments.
Knowledge in MS Office.
Knowledge of ceramic materials and sintering processes – an advantage.
Knowledge of DOE experiment design and analysis – an advantage.
Knowledge of software: – JMP, MiniTab – an advantage.

This position is open to all candidates.
מידת ההתאמה שלי לתפקיד
התאמה למשרה
התאמתך לתפקיד מחושבת על פי כישורך (כפי שסיפרת לנו עליהם) מול דרישות המעסיק - אין בכך כדי להעיד על קבלתך לעבודה (זה יחליט המעסיק)
כישורים חסרים
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תדיראן סוללות בע"מ
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אזור מרכז - גוש דן
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הצגת משרות נוספות
שימו לב: זה טווח השכר הממוצע לסוג תפקיד בשוק רק המעסיק יקבע את השכר בפועל.