כדי לראות תפקידים מתאימים עליך להוסיף כישורים בפרופיל האישי במערכת COB.
ההרשמה והשימוש חינם!
מעולה, רוצה להירשם

Director Tax – Israel

אזור מרכז - גוש דן
Teva Pharmaceuticals
אזור מרכז - גוש דן
פורסם לפני יותר מחודשיים
פורסמה ברשת

The opportunity
Join our dynamic team at Teva as a Director of Tax, where you’ll play a crucial role in shaping our tax position for Israel. This role offers a unique blend of technical tax analysis, risk management, and strategic advisory. You’ll work closely with various departments and build strong relationships with tax authorities, making a significant impact on our business operations and ensuring compliance across multiple jurisdictions.
How you’ll spend your day
Tax Position Management – Oversee the tax position for Teva’s legal entities in Israel, focusing on direct taxes.
Technical Tax Analysis – Perform in-depth technical tax analysis.
Relationship Building: Build and maintain relationships with relevant tax authorities in Israel.
Tax Audits and Litigation: Lead the preparation for Tax audits in Israel and Japan including and as needed – support Teva’s position in litigations with the Tax Authorities.
Compliance Coordination: Ensure strong coordination with Tax Compliance and Reporting teams and compliance with local Transfer Pricing requirements.
Cross-Functional Collaboration: Collaborate with Heads of Finance, Legal, IT, Procurement, and Operations to integrate tax considerations into business decisions.
Manage the relationship with external consultants: Lead and manage relationships with external tax advisors & lawyers.
Risk Management – Manage tax risks related to IP, intercompany transaction, incentives under the “Law of Encouragement for Capital Investments” and others.
Strategic Advisory: Provide strategic tax advice and guidance to internal partners on potential business transactions.
International Tax Optimization – Identify, implement, and support international tax optimization projects, including re-structuring, financing, IP, and M&A projects.
Forecasting –forecasting of P&L and liquidity implications from tax activities in Israel. 
HR (Tax) Support: Support HR with wage tax queries for Israel.

מידת ההתאמה שלי לתפקיד
התאמה למשרה
התאמתך לתפקיד מחושבת על פי כישורך (כפי שסיפרת לנו עליהם) מול דרישות המעסיק - אין בכך כדי להעיד על קבלתך לעבודה (זה יחליט המעסיק)
כישורים חסרים
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