כדי לראות תפקידים מתאימים עליך להוסיף כישורים בפרופיל האישי במערכת COB.
ההרשמה והשימוש חינם!
מעולה, רוצה להירשם
איש DevOps|מחשבים ורשתות
פורסם לפני יותר מחודשיים
פורסמה ברשת
one of the worlds fastest-growing mobile game companies, providing entertainment to millions of active users across the universe. The company is headquartered in the heart of Tel Aviv.

We're looking for a talented and experienced DevSecOps Engineer.
As a DevSecOps Engineer, youll have the opportunity to build, implement and operate our cloud infrastructure, define secured architecture, automate security and product CI/CD processes as well as engage in DevOps and security activities.

Youll also work on our highly scalable gaming backend and our massive data processing pipeline, ingesting billions of daily events. In addition, youll help make sure our systems and infrastructures scale and perform at optimal levels.

Identify security tools and lead operationalization solutions from POC to Production (e.g. API Threat Protection, Container Security, Cloud security, etc).
Responsible for DevOps, Cloud, and Monitoring environments – help build infrastructure, tools, and services to improve delivery and availability.
Work closely with Product & Data Security, Engineering, and the DevOps teams to define security strategy and execute on it.
Be part of product architecture and infrastructure design – design and leverage the backend infrastructure and its security aspects.
Lead design, implementation, and integration of various information and cyber defense tools using scripting languages such as Python and Bash to create fast and intelligent responses to common and/or critical cyber incidents.
Monitor security events and perform triage analysis to identify security incidents.

At least 2 years of experience with cloud architectures (such as AWS or GCP), containerized environments, and microservice while applying best practices and building secure and resilient architecture.
Passionate about technology and security and well informed on information, security principles and practices, cybersecurity trends, news, and best practices.
Proven experience with Linux and using languages such as Shell/Bash, Python.
Experience with security solutions in cloud production environments (DDoS, WAF, IDS/IPS, DB-FW, K8s security, etc).
Knowledge in networking fundamentals.
In-depth knowledge of build/release systems, CI/CD systems, Jenkins, GIT – Advantage.
Ability to effectively prioritize and execute tasks.

This position is open to all candidates.
מידת ההתאמה שלי לתפקיד
התאמה למשרה
התאמתך לתפקיד מחושבת על פי כישורך (כפי שסיפרת לנו עליהם) מול דרישות המעסיק - אין בכך כדי להעיד על קבלתך לעבודה (זה יחליט המעסיק)
כישורים חסרים
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הצגת משרות נוספות
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