כדי לראות תפקידים מתאימים עליך להוסיף כישורים בפרופיל האישי במערכת COB.
ההרשמה והשימוש חינם!
מעולה, רוצה להירשם
System Engineering & Architects
פורסם לפני יותר מחודשיים
פורסמה ברשת

The position
Mobileye’s Automotive Software development team is looking for SW developers to work on the cutting-edge of technologies bringing to market Mobileye Autosar self driving platforms.
We are looking for experienced MCU requirement engineer who are passionately motivated by challenges and excel in troubleshooting complex problems.
What will your job look like ?

Define and manage customer/SW requirements throughout the development lifecycle, including elicitation, analysis, specification, validation, and traceability.
Develop and maintain a requirements management plan that includes processes, procedures, and tools for managing requirements.
Collaborate with cross-functional teams to ensure that requirements are incorporated into the system and software design, development, and testing.
Monitor and track requirements changes and maintain version control of requirements documentation.
Perform requirements analysis to ensure that requirements are complete, unambiguous, and verifiable.
Ensure that requirements are aligned with business objectives and customer needs.
All you need is:

Electrical Engineering, Computer Science or other relevant engineering field
in-depth knowledge of requirements management tools and techniques, such as DOORS (Dynamic Object-Oriented Requirements System) and SysML (Systems Modeling Language).
Familiarity with systems and software engineering processes and methodologies.
Strong understanding of systems and software architecture and design principles.
Knowledge of safety and regulatory standards, such as ISO 26262 and IEC 61508.
Familiarity with agile and DevOps methodologies.
Mobileye changes the way we drive, from preventing accidents to semi and fully autonomous vehicles. If you are an excellent, bright, hands-on person with a passion to make a difference come to lead the revolution!

מידת ההתאמה שלי לתפקיד
התאמה למשרה
התאמתך לתפקיד מחושבת על פי כישורך (כפי שסיפרת לנו עליהם) מול דרישות המעסיק - אין בכך כדי להעיד על קבלתך לעבודה (זה יחליט המעסיק)
כישורים חסרים
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הצגת משרות נוספות
שימו לב: זה טווח השכר הממוצע לסוג תפקיד בשוק רק המעסיק יקבע את השכר בפועל.